City Hunter is a Japanese action comedy film based on the manga series of the same name by Tsukasa Hojo. The film follows the adventures of Ryo Saeba, a private detective known as the "City Hunter" who is hired to find a wealthy businessman's daughter who has disappeared in Shinjuku, Tokyo.
Ryo, along with his partner Kaori Makimura, begins their investigation and discovers that the young woman has been kidnapped by a powerful crime syndicate in order to extort money from her father. As Ryo delves deeper into the case, he uncovers a web of corruption and deceit that threatens not only the girl's life but also his own.
With the help of his friends and allies, including Detective Hideyuki Makimura and rival private detective Umibozu, Ryo must navigate the dangerous underworld of Tokyo and face off against powerful enemies in order to rescue the kidnapped girl and bring her captors to justice.
As the action heats up and the stakes get higher, Ryo's skills as a sharpshooter and martial artist are put to the test as he races against time to save the day. With humor, suspense, and thrilling action sequences, City Hunter is a thrilling ride that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end.