Big City Greens: Spacecation follows the Greens family as they embark on a much-needed vacation to outer space. When Bill wins a contest for a free trip to a luxury space hotel, the family is ecstatic to leave the hustle and bustle of Big City behind. However, their vacation quickly turns into a wild adventure when they discover that the hotel is actually a front for an evil alien plot to take over Earth.
As the Greens navigate their way through the hotel's twisted corridors and bizarre attractions, they must use their smarts and teamwork to thwart the alien's plans and save the planet. Along the way, they encounter strange alien creatures, make new friends, and even discover a hidden talent for space travel.
Through it all, the Greens learn valuable lessons about family, bravery, and sticking together in the face of danger. With humor, heart, and plenty of thrilling action sequences, Big City Greens: Spacecation is a fun-filled adventure for the whole family to enjoy.