"Incoming" is a sci-fi action thriller film released in 2018, directed by Eric Styles. The storyline revolves around a group of astronauts aboard a space station that is tasked with maintaining and overseeing a satellite system that monitors Earth. This system is integral for global security, as it can track and intercept potential threats from space.
However, the situation takes a turn when a mysterious and hostile force begins to infiltrate the space station. A rogue organization aims to take control of the satellite system for their nefarious purposes, leading to a series of intense and dangerous confrontations. The astronauts must fend off the intruders while dealing with the challenges of being in an isolated environment in space, where resources are limited and the stakes are incredibly high.
As the plot unfolds, themes of loyalty, survival, and the moral implications of power come into play. The astronauts must work together, navigating their own conflicts and the external threat to save themselves and ensure the integrity of the satellite system before it's too late. The film combines elements of suspense, action, and science fiction, delivering a thrilling narrative that explores the vulnerabilities of humanity in the face of technologically advanced threats.